92 books like The Sinner's Penance

By K.C. Carmine,

Here are 92 books that The Sinner's Penance fans have personally recommended if you like The Sinner's Penance. Shepherd is a community of 10,000+ authors and super readers sharing their favorite books with the world.

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Book cover of Kingdom Identity: Heal Your Soul & Step Into Your Destiny

Polly Betzner Walshin Author Of You Got Daddy Issues?

From my list on books that restore your soul and let you know you are not alone.

Why am I passionate about this?

The reason why I recommended these books is they all have the constant theme of freedom. Each one is very unique, and they all have adventure, romance, tragedy, and fantasy. Every single book is a different journey of healing for your soul that I feel anyone would enjoy. We have two biographies that are so raw; they will rock your soul, and you can relate to them. We have one on how not to get offended, which is amazing, and another that is sci-fi, which is way better than Harry Potter ever thought about being. If you like me as an author, you will love the books that I have recommended. 

Polly's book list on books that restore your soul and let you know you are not alone

Polly Betzner Walshin Why did Polly love this book?

This jaw-dropping autobiography from Lisa will leave you wanting more on every page.

She bears her soul with everything that she went through being on the streets, dealing drugs, running away from home, being abused, and going to prison.

Throughout the book, her transparency of what she felt will guide you on an adventure and ultimately will show you who your true identity is with with Jesus.

Book cover of We Were All Someone Else Yesterday

Seth Brown Author Of The Disapproval of My Toaster

From my list on human poetry for an increasingly inhuman world.

Why am I passionate about this?

I've been writing poetry since second grade, although oddly it took me until after college (where I was Class Poet) to start writing poetry that *gasp* didn't rhyme. (Did I mention I grew up on Ogden Nash and Shel Silverstein?) I started attending local poetry slams and then poetry festivals like WordXWord, and listening and performing there showed me what poetry could be. Poems can crystalize in a few lines a universal truth you've felt for years but been unable to express. I think that's amazing. (I also think it's better with a dash of humor mixed in, because I'm a humor columnist and I'm biased.)

Seth's book list on human poetry for an increasingly inhuman world

Seth Brown Why did Seth love this book?

So, we often think of what is human as being vulnerable and real. Which this book is. But to me, the pinnacle of humanity is humor, and the ability to use humor even in tough times is what makes humanity great. Which this book also is. It's got tough times but it's got a whole lot of humor mixed in, from the funny bits in the sad poems, to full-on non-stop barrages of humor in poems like "Jesus Christ Super Toaster" which had me in hysterics when I saw it performed.

And I'm realizing from making my whole list, that's what I want. I want hilarious poems when I'm in a good mood, and when I'm feeling sad and human, I still want to explore that in a funny way.

By Omar Holmon,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked We Were All Someone Else Yesterday as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

A hybrid text that deals most urgently in the articulation of growth and grief. After the loss of his mother, Omar Holmon re-learns how to live by immersing himself in popular culture, becoming well-versed in using the many modes of pop culture to spell out his emotions. This book is made up of both poems and essays, drenched in both sadness and unmistakable humor. Teeming with references that are touchable, no matter what you do or don’t know, this book feels warm and inviting.

Book cover of The Pillar of Light

Colton Mckay Author Of A Stone's Throw

From my list on fantasy authors that reveal Christ in their work.

Why am I passionate about this?

I have been writing for more than a decade specifically in fantasy. My mind was filled with tales of magic, heroes, and mythical creatures for decades. When Christ called me it was like learning how to fit my creativity and imagination into this box. Except, He is the box from which all creativity comes. As for my expertise concerning the Word of God, I have studied the Bible from beginning to end and I have prepared and preached a number of sermons. I will one day be a full-fledged pastor, and writing is a part of the job. I have a unique blend of fantasy and Christ. 

Colton's book list on fantasy authors that reveal Christ in their work

Colton Mckay Why did Colton love this book?

I enjoyed Anna's writing because of her courage to include missionaries in her work.

Often times those who love Christ refuse to speak of Him or include Him.

Anna does not have this problem and her work is better for it. I found here a rich world that parallels our own in creative ways.

I didn't want to put it down and I am excited to read the rest of the series. 

By Anna Travis,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Pillar of Light as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Lost in a magical world, an ordinary group of teenagers find themselves under threat from the Hunters of Avoria.

When a teen mission trip goes wrong, Nani and her friends find themselves stranded on the world of Milana. The key to their survival is buried somewhere in Nani's broken memory.

Nani's friends are counting on her, but if she wants her memories back, Nani will have to align with one of the very men trying to capture her friends. Can she trust the Hunter? Can Nani forgive him for his past, in order to regain her own? The Pillar of…

Book cover of Calor: Volume 1

Kayla E. Green Author Of Aivan: The One Truth

From my list on clean fantasy books featuring animal companions.

Why am I passionate about this?

Throughout my childhood, my mother repeated the mantra, “Love your own, leave others alone.” Her purpose was to prevent me and my siblings from begging to keep every animal we saw. Arguably, the phrase had some impact because we obviously didn’t bring home every animal. (But we also adopted a opossum from the backyard and named him Mr. Jenkins, so you be the judge.) For as long as I can remember, I have loved finding fantasy adventure books that feature the animals I love so much as trusted companions. I hope you enjoy the books on this list as much as I do!

Kayla's book list on clean fantasy books featuring animal companions

Kayla E. Green Why did Kayla love this book?

Again, who doesn’t love an animal sidekick? Especially if that companion is a wolf who has a special gift in which she can judge people’s character and is dedicated to protecting those in her “pack!”

Lady Jewel is a large white wolf who is an important companion to our primary protagonists, Lord Adamo and Sephone Winters. Pair this loyal wolf with a post-apocalyptic fantasy world in which memory trading is a lucrative business, and you have an intriguing narrative for adult readers (and, like all titles in this list, it’s clean, too)!

By J J Fischer,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Calor as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

Book cover of Millions of Cats

Pamela Erens Author Of Matasha

From my list on children’s books that don’t condescend to children.

Why am I passionate about this?

Like Matasha, my eleven-year-old heroine, I am the product of a big-city Midwestern 1970s childhood. I was a rabid reader who always felt that books made the world make more sense. Now as then, I am drawn to characters who are allowed to be complicated and to endings that don’t tie things up with a tidy bow. I believe “unlikeability” in fiction is a myth. I love children’s books that show kids thinking and feeling deeply.

Pamela's book list on children’s books that don’t condescend to children

Pamela Erens Why did Pamela love this book?

An elderly man goes in search of a cat to make him and his wife less lonely. He comes home with not one but millions of them: how to choose which to keep? The cats solve the problem by fighting among themselves until “they must have eaten each other all up.” But one unexpected little kitten is left…. 

I couldn’t have articulated this when I first sat raptly turning its pages, but Ga’g’s fable, with its handwritten text and charming 1928 black-and-white drawings, acknowledges both the ferocious and the vulnerable in children’s natures.

By Wanda Gág,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Millions of Cats as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it. This book is for kids age 4, 5, 6, and 7.

What is this book about?

An American classic with a refrain that millions of kids love to chant: Hundreds of cats, thousands of cats, millions and billions and trillions of cats.

Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman who were very lonely. They decided to get a cat, but when the old man went out searching, he found not one cat, but millions and billions and trillions of cats! Unable to decide which one would be the best pet, he brought them all home.

How the old couple came to have just one cat to call their own is…

Book cover of Summer of Monsters: The Scandalous Story of Mary Shelley

Jenny Bond Author Of The Hummingbird and the Sea

From my list on historical fiction with feisty and fearless females.

Why am I passionate about this?

My passion is for writing stories about strong women. Most of my favourite characters in literature are strong women—Jo March, Elizabeth Bennet, Jane Eyre. It's their intelligence, and spirit that hooks me. Even when they're misguided or confronting overwhelming odds, they pull themselves back from the brink to begin on a slightly altered path to achieve their purpose. It's the heroine’s journey that draws me into a novel, and it's her journey I wish to describe in my own books. Unfortunately, studying history has shown me there's still a long way women need to travel in the journey towards gender equity. Let’s hope these characters can teach us all something.

Jenny's book list on historical fiction with feisty and fearless females

Jenny Bond Why did Jenny love this book?

Thompson’s novel is another story about strong, intelligent, and powerful women who are manipulated and used by men. There have been numerous retellings of the birth of Mary Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein. The fact that it occurred on a dark and stormy night is literary folklore. However, Thompson’s tale is the first time it has been told for a YA audience and he puts a wicked spin on the well-known origin story. This appealed to me as an English teacher. The characters—Mary, the poet Shelley, Claire Clairmont, and Lord Byron—are given a contemporary vibe. Mary is a lonely and moody teenager, swept off her feet by Shelley who is characterised as the 19th century’s version of a brooding and insatiable rock star, part Mick Jagger and part Nick Cave. 

By Tony Thompson,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Summer of Monsters as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Mary's life began in shadow. Unwanted and overlooked, her desire was to make something of her existence. So how would meeting a young poet change her path forever? Scandal. Passion. Desire. Mary's choices were clear - but would she ever be free of her loneliness? Tony Thompson's enthralling novel explores Mary Shelley's early life and the famous summer she spent with Percy Shelley, Lord Byron, John Polidori and her stepsister Claire Clairmont, which inspired her iconic novel Frankenstein.

Book cover of The Lost Melody

Michelle Griep Author Of Lost in Darkness

From my list on to satisfy Jane Austen and Jane Eyre lovers.

Why am I passionate about this?

Though I live in the foothills of the Ozarks, I’m an Anglophile at heart, loving all things Jane Eyre and Jane Austen. I spent much of my angsty adolescence tucked away in Regency and Victorian England with my nose stuck in a book. As a result, I now jump at every chance I get to skip across the pond and roam the English countryside, listening hard to hear all the voices from the past—which is why my stories are always tied to British history. So whether you love ballrooms or shadowy tales set in gothic manors, here’s a great list for you.

Michelle's book list on to satisfy Jane Austen and Jane Eyre lovers

Michelle Griep Why did Michelle love this book?

Sometimes you need a good read to curl up with on a rainy day, one that’s a bit melancholic yet romantic at the same time. I know I do, and The Lost Melody checked both those boxes. My heart ached for heroine Vivienne Mourdant, for have we not all struggled with reality now and then? And who wouldn’t if trapped within an insane asylum? This one kept me guessing until the very end as to how poor Vivienne would ever escape in one piece. 

Definitely more Jane Eyre than Jane Austen.

By Joanna Davidson Politano,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Lost Melody as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

"Darkly premised and brilliantly presented. The Lost Melody serves a pitch-perfect blend of history, romance, mystery, and faith."--Booklist starred review


When concert pianist Vivienne Mourdant's father dies, he leaves to her the care of an adult ward she knew nothing about. The woman is supposedly a patient at Hurstwell Asylum. The woman's portrait is shockingly familiar to Vivienne, so when the asylum claims she was never a patient there, Vivienne is compelled to discover what happened to the figure she remembers from childhood dreams.

The longer she lingers in the deep shadows and forgotten towers at Hurstwell, the fuzzier…

Book cover of The Only Necessary Thing: Living a Prayerful Life

Christina Crook Author Of Good Burdens: How to Live Joyfully in the Digital Age

From my list on beat binge watching.

Why am I passionate about this?

Christina Crook is a pioneer and leading voice in the field of digital well-being. She is the award-winning author of The Joy of Missing Out: Finding Balance in a Wired World, the harbinger of the global #JOMO movement, and Good Burdens: How to Live Joyfully in a Digital Age. Christina regularly shares her insights about technology and our daily lives in international media including The New York Times, Psychology Today, and Harper's Bazaar which called her "The Marie Kondo of Digital.”

Christina's book list on beat binge watching

Christina Crook Why did Christina love this book?

People have called Henri Nouwen many things: a priest, an author, a spiritual guide, a natural mystic. His books have sold millions of copies and continue to resonate deeply with people from all walks of life. In 2000, when asked to share the book that had most influenced her life, Hillary Clinton chose Nouwen’s The Return of the Prodigal Son. The following sentence, in particular, she said in an interview with Oprah Winfrey, hit her “like a lightning bolt”: "The discipline of gratitude is the explicit effort to acknowledge that all I am and have is given to me as a gift of love, a "gift to be celebrated with joy." 

“I had never thought of gratitude as a habit or discipline before,” she explained, “and I discovered that it was immensely helpful to do so.” I first discovered Henri when I was eighteen years old and gifted with…

By Henri J. M. Nouwen,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Only Necessary Thing as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Throughout the forty-some books that Henri Nouwen wrote and the hundreds of talks that he gave, the subject of Prayer runs through them all and unites them. For him a life of faith is a life of prayer. Drawn from many decades of his life, the compilation of Henri's thoughts, feelings, and the struggle with prayer, reveal the core of the man and his belief that prayer is the only necessary thing.

Book cover of Melissa (Formerly Published as George)

Jules Machias Author Of Both Can Be True

From my list on young adult and middle grade transgender stories.

Why am I passionate about this?

I’m a trans parent of a trans teen. (I didn’t do it on purpose. It just worked out that way.) I’m always looking for books by trans authors that accurately reflect transgender experiences at every life stage, but particularly during middle school and the teen years. The books I’ve selected are my favorites because they’re authentic—and because they let readers learn difficult, complicated lessons through fiction. When I’m not writing books, reading books, editing books, or eating books for dessert, I’m caring for my disabled dogs, dirt-biking with my kid, or drawing near an open window with a mug of green tea and some lo-fi beats.

Jules' book list on young adult and middle grade transgender stories

Jules Machias Why did Jules love this book?

This book is a milestone in transgender literature for kids. Published in 2015, it follows a fourth-grader’s attempts to get classmates, teachers, parents, etc. to see past the surface: she’s a girl named Melissa, not a boy named George as everyone perceives. An argument often leveled against transgender kids is that they can’t know they’re transgender because they’re too young. This novel counters that by compassionately and realistically portraying a child who knows her identity from an early age, and it shows how devastating it is when the people who should love and support Melissa instead reject her assertion of her identity. It has a happy ending, but it leaves the reader thinking about how many transgender kids don’t get that—thereby inspiring advocacy. 

By Alex Gino,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Melissa (Formerly Published as George) as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it. This book is for kids age 8, 9, 10, and 11.

What is this book about?

Formally titled George, this is the unforgettable
debut from Alex Gino

"Allow me to introduce you to a remarkable book, full of love,
wonder, hope, and the importance of getting to be who you were
meant to be. You must read this." - David Levithan, author
of Every Day and editor of George.

When people look at George, they think they see a boy. But she
knows she's not a boy. She knows she's a girl.

George thinks she'll have to keep this a secret forever. Then
her teacher announces that their class play is going to be Charlotte's

Book cover of My Sister, Daisy

Carol Gordon Ekster Author Of Some Daddies

From my list on diverse families.

Why am I passionate about this?

I was a passionate elementary school teacher for thirty-five years. Now retired, I am grateful that my writing allows me to continue communicating with children. I am always working to improve my craft, help other writers, and embrace my author life. When I am not in a critique group or at my computer I might be doing yoga or biking. 

Carol's book list on diverse families

Carol Gordon Ekster Why did Carol love this book?

This is a heartwarming and sensitive story of a change in a family when a younger brother announces a new gender identity. She is a girl. There's an author's note, telling us this is based on a true story. And the bright darling illustrations add to this needed picture book for all children.

By Adria Karlsson, Linus Curci (illustrator),

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked My Sister, Daisy as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it. This book is for kids age 5, 6, and 7.

What is this book about?

Daisy's older brother is thrilled when he gets a baby brother. They are best buddies who do everything together. But then, his younger brother realizes she is a girl and wants to be called Daisy. Daisy's brother must adjust to the change - including what it means for him and their sibling relationship. A moving, lyrical picture book based on a true story, My Sister, Daisy handles a sensitive subject with warmth and love.

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